Projekt med at validere Surface Stations i USA  :





Indlæg fra før 24-12-2009 nu på arkiv side:   Arkiv





Just checking out/adjusting some links on the page.
As time goes by various web sites changes resulting in dead links.

Danish Met. Inst. f.e. removes articles. Naturally this is not done in any political fashion.
Its pure coincidence that a critical article regarding the “hockeystick” from 2004 got lost.

Thankfully it could be resurrected via “way back machine” so now its online on this website again

link dmi 001



Havde Al Gore ret i 2006 ?




Australiens temperatur målt fra sattelit (UAH) siden 1979:


5.000+ nye emails fra UEA/CRU
Climategate 2.0 - Climateaudit
Climategate 2.0 - Watts  


Russian Scientist Predicts The Next Grand Minimum


Rural Unadjusted Temperature Index - Historiske temperaturer i Skandivanien


New peer reviewed paper says “there appear to have been periods of ice free summers in the central Arctic Ocean” in the early Holocene, about 10-11,000 years ago

"The combined sea ice data suggest that the seasonal Arctic sea ice cover was strongly reduced during most of the early Holocene and there appear to have been periods of ice free summers in the central Arctic Ocean. This has important consequences for our understanding of the recent trend of declining sea ice, and calls for further research on causal links between Arctic climate and sea ice."


Scientist: There is no observational evidence for influence of CO2 on present or past climate

"Dr. Ir. Noor van Andel, former head of research at Akzo Nobel, recently presented a talk at the Dutch Meteorological Institute KNMI, concluding there is • No observational evidence for influence of CO2 on past or present climate"


Understanding the Climategate Inquiries By Ross McKitrick, Ph.D  

"The scientists took steps individually or in collusion to block access to data or methodologies in order to prevent external examination of their work. This point was accepted by the Commons Inquiry and Muir Russell, and the authors were admonished and encouraged to improve their conduct in the future."


Unadjusted temperature series

" Although the original data was chosen for its cooling trend this, in many cases, results from warmer temperatures in the period 1930-1940 than present. The wave pattern is still present in many data sets worldwide, no matter what the overall trend. In some the date of the onset of warming or cooling is later or earlier, depending on location – as would be expected with the oceans moving warmth around the globe. In others however the wave pattern is not present or is obliterated by something – in these sets should it be present or not? Is it wiped out by anthropogenic effects on the temperature record such as growth of cities and even small rural communities though the otherwise cooling 40s, 50s and 60s?


Sea levels in South Pacific

" By looking closely at the records, it turns out that the much advertised rising sea levels in the South Pacific depend on anomalous depressions of the ocean during 1997 and 1998 thanks to an El Nino and two tropical cyclones. The Science and Public Policy Institute has released a report by Vincent Gray which compares 12 Pacific Island records and shows that in many cases it’s these anomalies that set the trends… and if the anomaly is removed, sea levels appear to be more or less constant since the Seaframe measurements began around 1993.


Christy bedømmer klima modeller anno 1988

" The result suggests the old NASA GCM was considerably more sensitive to GHGs than is the real atmosphere since (a) the model was forced with lower GHG concentrations than actually occurred and (b) still gave a result that was significantly warmer than observations.


Ny gennemgang af GISS og deres ændrede vægtning af land- og sea-målinger Ser ud til at vægtningen er ændret i løbet af 1900-tallet, således at den overstiger den naturlige 30/70 fordeling.

" Whats the impact of the still greater land fraction in GISS global total LST+SST data?
If the 30% land fraction from the real world was used, GISS global 2007 would be 0,55K warmer than GISS global 1900.
With the still increasing GISS land fraction actually used, we have GISS global 2007 0,72K warmer than GISS global 1900.
The difference is 0,17K added by increasing land fraction over the 20´ieth century in stead of using 30% land constantly.
But this calculation could be done in many ways. We know for a fact that the oceans cover 70% of the planet.
So why not use 70% of data from SST? "


Steve McIntyre indlæg fra Chicago klima konference der gennemgår historien om ClimateGate email sagen fra 1997 og frem.

"The critical scientific issue – as it has been for the past 30 years – is climate sensitivity and whether cloud and water cycle feedbacks are strongly positive or weakly negative or somewhere in between.

This is territory of Lindzen, Spencer, Kininmonth and Paltridge. But persuasive as they may be, keep an open mind because many serious scientists do not agree with them and stand behind standard estimates of climate sensitivity to doubled CO2 in good faith.

If the impact of doubled CO2 is relatively small, it would be through sheer good luck rather than through good management. I do not subscribe to the belief that we need perfect certainty to make decisions – on the contrary, businessmen and politicians make decisions all the time under
unquantifiable uncertainty and I, for one, have no philosophical objection to governments making decisions on climate policy. I think that there may be important practical situations where people who are primarily worried about the energy future can find common ground with
people who are primarily worried about climate.
If I were a minister of the environment with policy responsibilities, regardless of what I felt personally, I would take scientific guidance from official institutions, rather than what I might think personally either as an occasional contributor to academic journals or as a blogger. Though,
knowing what I know now, I would also try to improve the performance and accountability of
these institutions.
People sometimes say to me – if the hockey stick is wrong, then the situation is worse than we think – arguing this on the basis that this would be evidence of greater climate sensitivity. My standard answer is – well, if that’s the case, we should find out and govern ourselves accordingly.
And give no thanks to people whose obstruction has delayed the resolution of the problem.

Og glem ikke John Stewart (Daily Show) video om Climategate  :-)


Der er klima konference med bla. Patrick Michaels

Klik her for Lindzen præsenattion:  pdf


GISS data er åbenbart blevet efter justeret med tilbagevirkende kraft:

Læs mere:   HideTheDecline   Icecap     JoNova


Chris Horner med video kommentar til NASA temperatur dataset mm.


 Link til skeptiker håndbog. Dansk oversættelse af artikel fra Jo Nova website .  link mm
(Jo Nova som i bogen skriver at hun troede på AGW 1990-2007  !!  )


Ugens graf, klimaet de sidste 10.000 år iflg. iskerner (Grønland):  artikel


Michael Crichton's tale om Videnskabens udvikling de sidste 30 år


Scandinavian temperatures, IPCC´s "Scandinavia-gate"


Ny side inspireret af CRU Climate-Gate, HideTheDecline


Bill Gates med en note omkring hvad 80% CO2 reduktion virkelig betyder:  Gates


IPCC og deres fejl mht. gletchere i Himalaya  telegraph

"More mistakes about Himalayan glaciers seem to have been uncovered in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) latest report, further threatening its credibility and undermining the position of its chairman, Dr Rajendra Pachauri."


Spencer: Clouds Dominate CO2 as a Climate Driver Since 2000

"Any way you look at it, the evidence for internally-forced climate change is pretty clear. Based upon this satellite evidence alone, I do not see how the IPCC can continue to ignore internally-forced variations in the climate system. The evidence for its existence is there for all to see, and in my opinion, the IPCC’s lack of diagnostic skill in this matter verges on scientific malpractice."



Landscheidt info  :    Landscheidt Cycles Research   

"Back in 1965 Paul Jose was one of the first to link solar modulation with planetary movements. He discovered that the planets roughly returned to the same position every 178.8 years (My research suggests 172 yrs). Jose's paper included a very rough solar radius graph which showed some modulation but was difficult to draw from. Later Theodor Landscheidt wrote many papers using a similar principle but mainly relied on solar torque graphs which ranged over long time periods, this made it difficult to predict a solar grand minimum except in a rough time frame. Landscheidt predicted a Grand Minimum to occur around 2030 which might be late, if the current trend continues.

Then Carl Smith in 2007 using JPL data and his own programming skills plotted the Angular Momentum of the Sun. This graph I believe is the Rosetta stone of solar science."

Earth's Future Climate.


The Unbearable Complexity of Climate  (Willis Eschenbach)