Projekt med at validere Surface Stations i USA  :

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PDF der viser tidslinie over ClimateGate.

The Climategate Timeline: 30 years visualized     link


CRU Mails: Douglass og Christy har indlæg om hvordan en af deres rapporter fra 2007 er blevet behandlet.

A Climatology Conspiracy?
By David H. Douglass and John R. Christy


Der ligger nu video-links til indslagene fra den alternative klima konference 2009:

engelsk    , på dansk   (Pielke indslag er originalt på engelsk, og Svensmark er på dansk)

Bare lige en info hvis du skulle ønske at se Svensmarks indslag på den alternative klima konference om kosmisk stråling.
Det er faktisk den bedste forklaring jeg endnu har set på hans forskning.
Indslaget er på dansk og varer 30 min.

Det første indslag af Pielke er også godt, men er på engelsk originalt (kan dog ses med dansk tolkning, hvis det ønskes).
Pielke er ikke skeptiker men forklarer klimaændringer udfra regionnale ændringer i ”land-use” (landskabsændringer pga. menneskelig aktivitet) Indslaget varer 40 min.


Der foregår en kamp om at fastsætte hvordan klimaet har været tidligere.

F.eks. er der forskere der ændrer deres egne tidligere undersøgelser: (Huang - Boreholes) link mm
"Huang has published papers after 1997.
Tellingly the one he published in 1998 (after Mann’s fraudulent graph came out) dropped 95% of the data and only focused on the last 500 years. That’s one way to get yourself included in an IPCC report isn’t it? Ignore the other 95% of all your own work.

Huang published another in 2008 where he discounts the meaning of his earlier work. OK. So his opinion is worth considering. Let's consider how convincing his points are. Boreholes are supposed to be good because they are measurements of real temperatures rather than a “proxy”, but make no mistake, it takes a fair bit of interpretation to say exactly how hot it was in 1066 by digging a hole and taking the temperature a long way down. Huang had three different reconstructions for the medieval warm period in 1997: “a” was 0.2 degrees warmer, “b” was 0.5 degrees warmer, and “c” was 1.0 degrees warmer. Which one is more likely? How about the one closest to all the other types of proxies out there…"

På wikipedia omskrives der flittigt: (skrevet på af N.Skjoldby)

William Connoley, Website administrator på Wikipedia, har skrevet eller omskrevet 5.428 artikler om klimaet på wikipedia.
Siden 2003 har han kontrolleret wikis klimaartikler om bl.a. middelaldervarmen, men også global opvarmning, drivhuseffekt, temperaturmålinger, UHI, klimamodeller og global afkøling:
14/2 begyndte han at fjerne "Lille Istid" og 11/8 gik han i gang med "Middelaldervarmen" I oktober gik han igang med at skrive om hokeystaven, ifølge denne artikkel af Lawrence Solomon:

"The Medieval Warm Period disappeared, as did criticism of the global warming orthodoxy. With the release of the Climategate Emails, the disappearing trick has been exposed. The glorious Medieval Warm Period will remain in the history books, perhaps with an asterisk to describe how a band of zealots once tried to make it disappear."


WattsUWT har en mucho interessant artikel omkring temperatur korrektioner ved målestation Darwin .

The Smoking Gun At Darwin Zero

OK … but given the scarcity of stations in Australia, I wondered how they would find five “neighboring stations” in 1941 …

So I looked it up. The nearest station that covers the year 1941 is 500 km away from Darwin. Not only is it 500 km away, it is the only station within 750 km of Darwin that covers the 1941 time period. (It’s also a pub, Daly Waters Pub to be exact, but hey, it’s Australia, good on ya.) So there simply aren’t five stations to make a “reference series” out of to check the 1936-1941 drop at Darwin.

We have five different records covering Darwin from 1941 on. They all agree almost exactly. Why adjust them at all? They’ve just added a huge artificial totally imaginary trend to the last half of the raw data! Now it looks like the IPCC diagram in Figure 1, all right … but a six degree per century trend? And in the shape of a regular stepped pyramid climbing to heaven? What’s up with that?


Jon stewart on climategate     Rex Murphy CBS


Jorden kan absorbere meget mere kuldioxid, end man hidtil har troet, viser ny undersøgelse. Norske eksperter er uenige i, hvor meget vi egentlig ved om kulstofkredsløbet.    WorldClimateReport


Climatic Research Unit (UK) hacketDet har afsløret en masse korrespondance der tyder på at der fifles gevaldigt for at bevare billedet af den "aldrig tidligere sete voldsomme menneskeskabte (CO2) globale opvarmning" .

Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of 'Anthropogenic Global Warming'?

Hvis citater som dette er korrekt, er det slemt:

One of the alleged emails has a gentle gloat over the death in 2004 of John L Daly (one of the first climate change sceptics, founder of the Still Waiting For Greenhouse site), commenting:

“In an odd way this is cheering news.”


KilderCBS  WattsUp   ClimateDepot   BBC    KLIMADEBAT.DK    Telegraph UK  

Der er lavet en søge side der kan søge i disse email :  her

Nu er der så også fundet samme manipulation i andre lande: New Zealand


Video kommentar, Tim Ball

Kilde mm. er uklar men her er angiveligt Uddrag fra mails:

I've just completed Mike's Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd from
1961 for Keith's to hide the decline.

The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t. The CERES data published in the August BAMS 09 supplement on 2008 shows there should be even more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate.

So, if we could reduce the ocean blip by, say, 0.15 degC, then this would be significant for the global mean — butwe'd still have to explain the land blip.
I've chosen 0.15 here deliberately. This still leaves an ocean blip, and i think one needs to have some form of
ocean blip to explain the land blip (via either some common forcing, or ocean forcing land, or vice versa, or all of
these). When you look at other blips, the land blips are 1.5 to 2 times (roughly) the ocean blips — higher sensitivity
plus thermal inertia effects. My 0.15 adjustment leaves things consistent with this, so you can see where I am coming from.
Removing ENSO does not affect this.



Dokumentar fra Finsk fjersyn med McIntyre, Lindzen mfl..

link   (med engelske undertitler på den finske tale)

"The video showing the climate research work of Dr. Richard Lindzen of MIT and Steven McIntyre of Climate Audit is now up on YouTube. One of the most compelling portions of the program has to do with the erroneous reversal of the Tiljander sediments, and Dr. Michael Mann’s stubborn refusal to acknowledge his error, even though other authors of peer reviewed papers have done so. In my opinion, salvation of the hockey stick seems to trump the salvation of good science practice."


Sattellit målinger peger på, afkøling ligesom visse modeller:

"Analysis of the satellite data shows a statistically significant cooling trend for the past 12 to 13 years"

link   link


Middelalder varme og Lille Istid bekræftet i nyt canadisk studie:

"Both chironomid-based August air temperature inferences and sedimentological assemblages suggest that Southampton Island was affected by a regional warming between cal yr AD 1160–1360 and a regional cooling between cal yr AD 1360–1700."  link


Solens klima rolle nærmere klarlagt i ny forskning: (Science)

"Small fluctuations in solar activity, large influence on the climate "...
"It blows away the IPCC and CCSP arguments that the sun is a bit player in climate compared to CO2"...
"...the radiation intensity within one sun spot cycle varies by just 0.1 per cent. Complex interplay mechanisms in the stratosphere and the troposphere, however, create measurable changes in the water temperature of the Pacific and in precipitation"

Rapport     Science-Editorial   


Australsk senator undersøger beviserne for menneskeskabt global opvarminig. Møde mellem alarmister og skeptikere.
Mange gode points i den debat:

Senator Fielding holds a crucial vote on the proposed Emissions Trading Legislation.  Fielding and four independent scientists faced the Minister for the Climate Change and Water,
Penny Wong, The Chief Scientist, Penny Sackett, and Professor Will Steffan, director of the Climate Change Institute at the Australian National University. Read what happened from someone who was there.

Se også "No Evidence Paper" .


Frank Lansner med artikel omkring de historiske global temperaturer, set udfra et virvar af proxies.
Website     pdf


Isen i Arktis tykkere end forventet !!
Lawrence Solomon: Thick Arctic ice surprises scientific expedition - link


Temperaturer i Arktis 1880-2004 :


On March 25th, Christopher Monckton gave testimony before the US House Committee on Energy and Commerce

"The trend in global mean surface temperatures since the satellite temperature data and global
CO2 concentration data became available in 1980, if it were extrapolated as far as 2100 (Figure
9), would fall considerably short of the IPCC’s official predictions"


Isen Antarktis forøges  ...

"Ice core drilling in the fast ice off Australia's Davis Station in East Antarctica by the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Co-Operative Research Centre shows that last year, the ice had a maximum thickness of 1.89m, its densest in 10 years.

The average thickness of the ice at Davis since the 1950s is 1.67m.

A paper to be published soon by the British Antarctic Survey in the journal Geophysical Research Letters is expected to confirm that over the past 30 years, the area of sea ice around the continent has expanded.

TheAustralian      South.Hem.Sea ice    



Hvor kommer den øgede CO2 fra ? Nyt studie vækker undrenArtikel

‘Sources and Sinks of Carbon Dioxide’, by Tom Quirk, Energy and Environment, Volume 20, pages 103-119.
(Tom Quirk has a Master of Science from the University of Melbourne and Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Oxford. His early career was spent in the UK and USA as an experimental research physicist, a University Lecturer and Fellow of three Oxford Colleges. )

...The analysis of 14C in atmospheric CO2 showed that it took some years for exchanges of CO2 between the hemispheres before the 14C was uniformly distributed…

“If 75% of CO2 from fossil fuel is emitted north of latitude 30 then some time lag might be expected due to the sharp year-to-year variations in the estimated amounts left in the atmosphere. A simple model, following the example of the 14Cdata with a one year mixing time, would suggest a delay of 6 months for CO2 changes in concentration in the Northern Hemisphere to appear in the Southern Hemisphere.

“A correlation plot of …year on year differences of monthly measurements at Mauna Loa against those at the South Pole [shows]… the time difference is positive when the South Pole data leads the Mauna Loa data. Any negative bias (asymmetry in the plot) would indicate a delayed arrival of CO2 in the Southern Hemisphere.

“There does not appear to be any time difference between the hemispheres. This suggests that the annual increases [in atmospheric carbon dioxide] may be coming from a global or equatorial source.”

Mere om CO2 (Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center)


More Than 700 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims
Outpouring of Skeptical Scientists Continues as 59 Scientists Added to Senate Report

News flash     Report

“I am a skeptic…Global warming has become a new religion.” -
Nobel Prize Winner for Physics, Ivar Giaever.

“Since I am no longer affiliated with any organization nor receiving any funding, I can speak quite frankly….As a scientist I remain skeptical...The main basis of the claim that man’s release of greenhouse gases is the cause of the warming is based almost entirely upon climate models. We all know the frailty of models concerning the air-surface
system.” -
Atmospheric Scientist Dr. Joanne Simpson,
the first woman in the world to receive a PhD in meteorology, and formerly of NASA, who has authored more than 190
studies and has been called “among the most preeminent scientists of the last 100 years.”


“7 Mutually Contradictory Things about Climate Change”   (fra kommentarer til denne artikel)

Contradiction #1:
IPCC projects global warming at a rate of 0.2C per decade in the early 21st century; so far the first 8 years of the 21st century have shown cooling at an average rate of around 0.1C per decade. Oops!

Contradiction #2:
IPCC states that the rate of sea level rise has increased in the latter part of the 20th century, switching from tide gauge records to satellite altimetry; the tide gauge record shows a slight decrease in sea level rise in the second half of the 20th century, as compared to the first half. Hmm.

Contradiction #3:
IPCC states that changes in solar irradiance since 1750 are estimated to cause a radiative forcing of only 0.12 W/m2, equivalent to a net warming of around 0.02C; several studies by solar scientists conclude that the 20th century warming caused by the unusually high level of solar activity is around 0.35C. Ouch!

Contradiction #4:
IPCC states that the warmth of the last half century is unusual in at least the previous 1,300 years, ignoring overwhelming physical and historical evidence of a warmer global Medieval Warm Period. Huh?

Contradiction #5:
IPCC claims that the satellite temperature record has shown a faster rate of tropospheric warming than that at the surface, confirming the anthropogenic cause of warming; both the satellite and radiosonde record show less warming than the surface record. Oops!

Contradiction #6:
IPCC models all assume a strongly positive feedback from clouds with warming, resulting in 1.3C of the total assumed 2xCO2 climate sensitivity of 3.2C; actual physical observations show a strongly negative net feedback from clouds of around the same order of magnitude; correcting the 2xCO2 climate sensitivity for this factor brings it to around 0.6 to 0.8C, rather than 3.2C. Ouch!

Contradiction #7:
IPCC states confidently that the upward distortion of the surface temperature record due to the urban heat island effect has a negligible influence of less than 0.006C per decade; many studies from all over the world show that the UHI influence is thirty to fifty times as great as claimed by IPCC.
Oh, oh!


Global Warming and Climate Change in Perspective: Truths and Myths About Carbon Dioxide, Scientific Consensus, and Climate Models
by William Happer (February 28, 2009)

Before the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee


Global Warming as a Natural Response to Cloud Changes Associated with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)
Rapport af Spencer.       Forord mm.

November 9, 2008:
The two papers we had submitted to Geophysical Research Letters have both been rejected, with instructions to not resubmit either one. The first paper showed how none of 18 IPCC climate models, in over 1,000 years of global warming simulations, ever exhibits the negative feedback we have measured from global satellite data.

The second paper revealed new satellite evidence that the Pacific Decadal Oscillation modulates the Earth's radiative balance by an amount that, when put into a simple climate model, can explain 75% of global warming over the 20th Century....including the slight cooling between 1940 and 1980.



Analyse af atmosfære temperaturer viser IKKE fingeraftryk fra CO2 påvirkning. Det tyder på at CO2 IKKE er nogen primær driver af temperatur påvirkninger. Endvidere peger analysen på at overflade målinger er dårlige til at påvise drivhus effekt.


NASA's temperaturkurver under kritik.


Beregning af CO2 følsomhed, altså hvad bevirker en fordobling af CO2 af temperatur stigning.


Klima konference i New York, se blog .


Ny teori om fysikken bag drivhus effekten.


John Christy med nye interessante vinkler på temperatur udviklingen mm.

The last 25 years constitute a period of more complete and accurate observations and more realistic modelling efforts. Yet the models are seen to disagree with the observations. We suggest, therefore, that projections of future climate based on these models be viewed with much caution."
Climate scientists at the University of Rochester, the University of Alabama, and the University of Virginia report that observed patterns of temperature changes (‘fingerprints’) over the last thirty years are not in accord with what greenhouse models predict and can better be explained by natural factors, such as solar variability."
Co-author John Christy said: “Satellite data and independent balloon data agree that atmospheric warming trends do not exceed those of the surface. Greenhouse models, on the other hand, demand that atmospheric trend values be 2-3 times greater. We have good reason, therefore, to believe that current climate models greatly overestimate the effects of greenhouse gases. Satellite observations suggest that GH models ignore negative feedbacks, produced by clouds and by water vapor, that diminish the warming effects of carbon dioxide.”

Rapport fra marts 2007 omhandlende et studie af temperaturer i Californien fra 1910-2006, hvor der sammenlignes nymæssigt område med landligt område .

"indicate that changes since 1910 are more consistent with the impacts of land-use changes than the effects currently expected from the enhanced greenhouse theory"


Professor udfordrer Al Gore i at forudsige temperatur trends 10 år frem.
"The Global Warming Challenge
• Claims have been made that the Earth will warm rapidly.
• These are not based on scientific forecasting methods. Thus, the challenge:

Predict global mean temp over 10 years.
- Al Gore selects any current climate model
- Scott Armstrong will assume no change
Each deposits $10,000 in a trust fund in Dec. 2007. Value to winner’s charity in 2018. "
Armstrongs "Forecast" kritik:


Kritikken (Lockwood and Frohlich (2007)) af bla. Svensmark  tilbagevises, solteorien harmonerer måske stadig med de observerede temperaturer  her 
We have documented five serious scientific problems in Lockwood and Frohlich (2007):
The authors’ smoothed TSI dataset depends unduly upon the start and end dates.
2. A source dataset inconsistent with other such datasets in the literature was selected.
3. Correlations between changes in solar activity and in temperature are omitted.
4. The data on cosmic-ray forcing demonstrate the opposite of the authors’ conclusion.
5. Data on the amount of solar radiation reaching the Earth’s surface are omitted.


Ny beregning af de historiske temperaturer i USA viser overraskelser,  her.
"1998 falls to #2 behind 1934 as the warmest year, followed by 1998, 1921, 2006, 1931, 1999 and 1953.
Don’t expect any press releases from NASA or NOAA about this change nor much coverage on the networks or major newspapers "


Kritik af Svensmarks teorier, omtale i Ingenøren , se også debat ifm. artiklen.
Flere links om dette:   1  


Weekendavisen med omtale af filmen "The Great Climate Swindle".
De personer der citeres i filmen er:

Professor Ian Clark, Department of Earth Sciences fra Ottawa Universitet, professor og oceanograf Carl Wunsch fra MIT (Massachusetts Institute Technology), professor Philip Stott, Department of Biogeography fra London Universitet, professor Richard Lindzen fra MIT, professor Synn-Ichi Akasofu, leder af International Arctic Research Centre, klimatologen Tim Ball fra Winnipeg Universitet, John Christy, Department of Atmospheric Science fra Alabama Universitet og en af IPCC-rapportens hovedforfattere, Roy Spencer, Weather Satellite Team Leader, NASA, professor Patrick Michaels, Department of Environmental Sciences fra Virginia Universitet samt Nigel Calder, tidligere redaktør på New Scientist, og klimatologen Piers Corbyn.


CO2 og menneskeskabt global opvarmning ? Nej, sådan er det ikke lige når man læser denne analyse af Zbigniew Jaworowski, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., senior advisor at the Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection in Warsaw.  
Jeg har samlet figurerne (10) fra denne artikel på denne side.

...more than 90,000 direct measurements of CO2 in the atmosphere, ...between
1812 and 1961,
with excellent chemical methods (accuracy
better than 3%), were arbitrarily rejected. ...The only reason for rejection was that these measurements did not fit the hypothesis of anthropogenic climatic warming. I regard this as perhaps the greatest scientific scandal of our time.


Engelsk video med tankevækkende vinkler og fakta omkring global opvarmning. I videoen er der interview med bla. John Christy(1 2 ), og Eigil Friis Christensen . Berlingske har omtale her .
Artikel der opsummerer filmens indhold .
Se den istedet for Al Gore's kampagne film .


Mere om Svensmarks teori:


Artikel i Ingeniøren om kritik af IPCC rapport herFraser Institute og kritik  her .

Data collected by weather satellites since 1979 continue to exhibit little evidence of atmospheric warming, with estimated trends ranging from nearly zero to the low end of past IPCC forecasts. There is no significant warming in the tropical troposphere (the lowest portion of the Earth’s atmosphere), which accounts for half the world’s atmosphere, despite model predictions that warming should be amplified there.

• There is no compelling evidence that dangerous or unprecedented changes are underway. Perceptions of increased extreme weather events are potentially due to increased reporting. There is too little data to reliably confirm these perceptions.

• There is no globally-consistent pattern in long-term precipitation trends, snow-covered area, or snow depth. Arctic sea ice thickness showed an abrupt loss prior to the 1990s, and the loss stopped shortly thereafter. There is insufficient data to conclude that there are any trends in Antarctic sea ice thickness.

• Natural climatic variability is now believed to be substantially larger than previously estimated, as is the uncertainty associated with historical temperature reconstructions.

• Attributing an observed climate change to a specific cause like greenhouse gas emissions is not formally possible, and therefore relies on computer model simulations. These attribution studies do not take into account the basic uncertainty about climate models, or all potentially important influences like aerosols, solar activity, and land use changes.

• Computer models project a range of future forecasts, which are inherently uncertain for the coming century, especially at the regional level. It is not possible to say which, if any, of today’s climate models are reliable for climate prediction and forecasting.


Interview i Weekendavisen med lektor Jørgen Peder Steffensen , se uddrag her .

"»Når vi taler om, at temperaturen ligger fem-seks grader over normalen i hele Nordeuropa, så er det ikke et tegn på den globale temperaturstigning, for den ligger nede på en tiendedel grad over en række år.«"

"VOLDSOMME udslag i klimaet er historisk set ikke enestående. Under den sidste istid på den nordlige halvkugle skete der 26 gange ekstreme ændringer i temperaturen over en meget kort periode uden nogen åbenlys naturlig forklaring.

»Det, vi kan se af iskerneboringerne, er, at der på den linie af lange perioder med istid ligger en masse piskesmæld i klimaet, som er meget hurtigere. Det er meget bratte og voldsomme klimaforandringer inden for en menneskealder. Vi har iskernedata, der viser, at temperaturen på Grønland i disse piskesmæld steg med 14 grader i gennemsnit inden for 25 år."


Program på BBC Radio4, hvor der kigges kritisk på Stern rapporten.
Simon Cox looks at the debate over global warming in this country. In October 2006, the Government published The Stern Review on the economics of climate change. But is the report worth the acclaim it got?


Link til DR P1 hvor man kan høre en udsendelse om den nyeste klimaforskning. Medvirkende: Fysiker Henrik Svensmark, Danmarks Rumcenter; Meteorolog Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut; Geofysiker Jørgen Peder Steffensen, Niels Bohr Institutet. 
Udsendelsen trækker meget godt op hvor klimadebatten står lige nu.
Bemærk du skal tillade pop-up's fra for at kunne høre udsendelsen .  


Dansk side med klimadebat


Weekendavisen med nyt om orkaner  


Oversigt over vigtigste globale klima hændelser 2006 her    Hele siden her


Genfundet et link hvor John Christy sammenfatter klimaforskning og global opvarmning .
(fra 2000) . John Christy, Professor of Atmospheric Science and Director of the Earth
System Science Center at the University of Alabama

"A universal feature of climate model projections of global average temperature changes due to enhanced greenhouse gasses is a rise in the temperature of the atmosphere from the surface to 30,000 feet. This
temperature rise itself is projected to be significant at the surface, with increasing magnitude as one rises through this layer called the troposphere. Most people use the term Global Warming to describe this
temperature rise."
"The model experiments included some major processes, but not all major processes.
When those additional processes are also factored in, such as real El Ni±os, the climate models do not produce the observed global average vertical temperature changes observed since 1979. In other words, the temperature of 60% of the atmosphere appears to be going in a direction not
predicted by models. That, in my view, is a significant missing piece of the climate puzzle which introduces considerable uncertainty about a model's predictive utility."

"Has hot weather occurred before in the US? All time record high temperatures by states begin in 1888. Only eleven of the states have uniquely seen record highs since 1950 (35 occurred prior to 1950, 4 states had records occurring both before and after 1950.)"  

Interessant om dette har ændret sig siden 2000 ? Må vist lige undersøge det  .
Link til liste over temperatur rekorder i USA


En skeptiker blog, der meget godt opsummerer de kritikpunkter der stadig er aktuelle ift. den "etablerede konsensus".     Nigel Lawson (Warwick Hughes website) .  


New York Times med en rigtig fornuftig artikel omkring debatten om CO2 niveauer . Her
Grafik over CO2 udvikling
her    De originale grafer  her og her  

"The Phanerozoic dispute, ..., has occurred in isolation from the public debate on global warming. Al Gore in “An Inconvenient Truth” makes no mention of it.   "  


Canada Free Press med artikel om dansk forskning her  ....  mere her.
De har også kritik af klima debatten og Gore's propagandafilm her .

"That is, cloud cover changes over a 5-year period can have 85 percent of the temperature effect on the Earth that has been claimed to have been caused by nearly 200 years of manmade carbon dioxide emissions. The temperature effects of cloud cover during the 20th century could be as much as 7 times greater than the alleged temperature effect of 200 years worth of additional carbon dioxide and several times greater than that of all additional greenhouse gases combined."


Pressemeddelelse fra British Antarctic Survey  her 
Deres hovedside .  En anden interesant artikel omkring hvordan ismasser fungerer fra Journal of Glaciology . 


Artikel fra Nature 
om diverse klima emner i en global sammenhæng. Af Gabrielle Walker.
Den aktuelle mængde drivhusgasser vil med garanti resultere i en 
fortsat opvarmning i de kommende årtier, og verdensøkonomiens aktuelle struktur sikrer, at der i 
dette tidsrum vil ske en stadig forøgelse af mængden af den slags gasser. Spørgsmålet er, hvad man vil gøre ved det, og hvor hurtigt man vil gøre noget.


Hvad sker der med klimadiskussionen ? JENS OLAF PEPKE PEDERSEN
Seniorforsker Center for Sol-Klima Forskning,  læs mere


Weekendavisen skriver: Danske forskeres hypotese om, at solens varierende aktivitet spiller en vigtig rolle for de globale klimaforandringer understøttes nu eksperimentelt, se uddrag her .

"Hvis hypotesen er rigtig, betyder det, at vi i dag ikke ved, om den temperaturstigning på omkring 0,6 grader, der er observeret igennem det sidste århundrede, er menneskeskabt ved afbrænding af kul, olie og gas, som det antages af FNs internationale klimapanel, eller om et væsentligt, måske endda dominerende bidrag kommer fra solen."

"Eftersom klimamodellerne overhovedet ikke inddrager solens indvirkning på jordens skydække, betyder det, at de hidtidige klimamodeller ikke kan bruges til at lave de forudsigelser, som de bruges til at lave. Det er problematisk, at man politisk har et videnskabeligt set ufuldstændigt grundlag for klimapolitikken,« mener Henrik Svensmark."

"... at der en halv snes gange er forekommet tilsvarende kolde perioder inden for de sidste ca. 10.000 år, hvor temperaturen i Nordatlanten er gået op og ned cirka 2 graders celsius, hvad der i virkeligheden er enorme udsving. Det er der endnu ingen af klimamodellerne, der kan forklare, og før de kan det, er deres fremskrivninger af fremtidige klimaændringer højst usikre,« mener Jasper Kirkby. "

"Jasper Kirkby: »Er hypotesen om sol-kosmisk-stråling-skyer rigtig, betyder det, at klimamodellerne, der forsøger at fremskrive udviklingen i klimaet frem til år 2100, er ufuldstændige, fordi de ikke har solens og de kosmiske strålers påvirkning af skydannelsen. Skydannelsen vil foregå anderledes, end man hidtil har troet. Skyerne er i så fald ikke bare et resultat af klimaet – som antaget i klimamodellerne – men er med til at skabe klimaet. Det er måske ikke overraskende for atmosfærefysikere, eftersom det i det internationale klimapanel IPCCs seneste statusrapport fra 2001 hed, at »mekanismerne, der forstærker solens påvirkning af klimaet, ikke er velforstået.« ...
...  man kan ikke lave overbevisende projektioner af den fremtidige opvarmning som forårsaget af menneskeskabte drivhusgasser, før man har inddraget alle de naturlige klimatiske ændringer og forklaret ændringer igennem de sidste få tusind år, som er sammenlignelige med det sidste århundredes klimaændringer .

13-01-2006        Nye klimafakta fra is-borekerner gør livet svært for klimamodellerne, se her  
17-12-2005        Nyt fra US Climate Change Science Program (CCSP). Temperature Trends in the Lower Atmosphere
17-12-2005        År 2005 hidtil varmeste år   JP  
08-12-2005        Forskning peger på mulig svækkelse af Goldfstrømmen ? NY Times  
25-11-2005        Nye målinger af CO2 gennem de sidste 650.000 år, NY Times  
17-10-2005        Ny fokus på målinger der ligger til grund for påstanden om global opvarmning. 
17-10-2005        Weekendavisen om jordens tidligere kolde perioder . 
10-09-2005        Weekendavisen om Orkaner som Katrina 
28-05-2005        Lars Oxfeldt Mortensen skriver i Weekendavisen om klima "præsteskabet"  her
24-05-2005        Havet styrer istidens klima, DMI artikel  ,  Stærkeste stråling fra Solen i 50 år  DMI artikel
05-05-2005        Videnskabsfolk advarer mod Kyoto og CO2 
                            (På sitet kan der downloades udsendelse der uddyber kritikken).
10-04-2005        Weekendavisen om ny teori omkring kobling mellem vanddamp og CO2 .  
01-03-2005        Weekendavisen om Mann .  Og om  CO2 og kosmisk stråling 
18-02-2005        Breaking news : Forskere slår fast: Mennesket står bag drivhuseffekten pol  mere
11-02-2004        Tyske Stern om Crichton bog om øko angst mm her
        Fremtrædende orkanforsker kritiserer det interstatslige klimapanel IPCC for politisering. (WA artikel)
                        Mere debat her     Mere kritik af Mann-kurve (Hockey Stick) her   Den omtalte DMI side her
02-02-2005        Ekstrabladet med historie  og kilden   her
                        Temperatur data fra Antarktis: Novolazarevskaya station , Bellingshausen station 
                        Oversigt over temperatur trends på Antarktis  her     Sea level trends her (2000)
02-02-2005        Guardian om skeptisk konference
                        Guardian om olielobby
15-01-2005        British Antarctic Survey   - Opsummering 
                        "It is thus not possible to say definitively whether Antarctica as a whole is warming or cooling."
                        "...there is no evidence for a decline in overall Antarctic sea ice extent"
06-12-2004        New York Times artikel om klima på Nordpolen (boringer) her
04-12-2004        DR program, "Dommedag aflyst" beskrivelse her 
                        John Christy (som medvirker i uds.) afgav vidneforklaring for 
                            U.S. House of Representatives' Committee her
03-12-2004        Artikel om isborekerner på Grønland (NorthGRIP) mm  her
                        NGRIP hjemmeside
                        Pressemedd. sept. 2004 her   Atikel fra Nature sept. 2004  her
                          Atikel fra Nature jun 2004  her           
20-11-2004        Grønland temperatur kurver her
12-11-2004        ACIA rapport, kritik fra danske glaciologer her
12-11-2004        Satellit målinger af atmosfæren, irriterende konstante her     rapport
16-10-2004        DMI artikel om 1000 års klima og Hockey-Stick her  (edit: 2018-08-10: via ”way back machine”:  2018 copy)
20-05-2004        Ny diskussion om beregning af sattellit temperaturerer  her
20-05-2004        Opvarmning af Arktis ? Ja, -50 er varmt  her

08-09-2003        Institut for Miljøvurdering, rapport om vejr ekstremer  her
13-08-2003        Forskning i havis (DMI) her
07-08-2003        Mere Landscheidt fakta om solen her
31-07-2003        Så er Politiken på sporet af en klima sag, Global opvarmning som masseødelæggelses våben.
11-04-2003        20.århundrede ikke så varmt !!  Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
18-02-2003        NASA sattellit målinger - årsopgørelse  +  Richard Lindzen artikel omkring termperatur målinger mm. (PDF)
12-02-2003        Artikel i Politiken17-08-2002 omhandlende forskning i is-borekerner.
27-12-2002        Artikel i WeekendAvisen om Kosmiske stråler.          Billede af solplet
                       Tidligere artikler fra Weekend Avisen Juli 2000 / November 2000...                                                              

23-07-2002         Artikel omkring solcykler og klima





Klima Nyt for Dummies er lavet for at præsentere forskellige syn på debatten omkring drivhus-effekten, global opvarmning og solens påvirkning af jordens klima.

Jordens temperatur måles på forskellig vis, f.eks. CRU's (Climatic Research Unit ) overflade målinger, fra vejrballoner og fra Satellit (NASA)       SeaLevels målt fra Sattellit
En sammenlignende oversigt over disse kurver kan ses her. Som det ses følges satellit og vejrballon målinger, mens overflade målinger skiller sig ud. 

En af de vigtigste klima "dissidenter" var John Daly (rip 2004)fra Tasmanien, hans hjemmeside Still Waiting for Greenhouse kører stadig . 

Han har en samling af temperatur målinger fra vejrstationer verden over, som han benytter til at anfægte den temperatur udvikling (opvarmning) som CRU summerede globale kurve påstår.

En anden kritiker er Dr. Richard S. Lindzen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology